Introduction to Bureau Efficiency

The Bureau Efficiency module includes a personalised dashboard for each user, provides an overview of any tasks due and the client progress, and allows you to run tasks automatically.

  • It gives Bureaus a way to view client payroll progress, run payroll tasks, and action warnings from a single place; a simpler way to have multiple members of staff processing the payroll for multiple clients.

  • The structure of the bureau is easily set up and managed, giving team leaders the ability to assign, reassign and unassign clients to different payroll operators at different times, as needed.

  • The flexible configuration options, including reporting packs and payroll variances, can be restricted to particular operators, if required.

When each payroll operator logs into payroll (after some initial configuration) they will see their own Bureau Efficiency landing page. All payroll functions remain easily accessed if needed.

You can choose between seeing the Status screen, showing progress summarised into different categories and graphs, or the Task List, which lists all outstanding Tasks for that operator’s clients.

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