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Error 3019: Operation invalid without a current index

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Error 3019: Operation invalid without a current index

Created Date

14th March 2018


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie


When logging into the software or changing company user gets the error:

Error Number 3019: Operation invalid without a current index


This error can be caused when a database update is interrupted or otherwise fails to complete correctly.

You can attempt to repair the database from the admin login.

Please Note: The company data rebuild detailed below can take some time to finish. It is important you do not force close the software while the process is running. Once started you must allow it to complete.

Start up the software and when prompted for login details use the admin username and password (default details username: SYSTEM; password: admin).

Once the admin screen loads, go to “File” | “Companies” | “Rebuild

From the list, select the company causing the error and click “Yes“.

When prompted “Do you want to compact the data files?” click “Yes

Once the process is completed you should be able to log into payroll and access the company as normal.

If, when, running the data file rebuild you get Error 3015, the process does not complete successfully or you are still unable to open the affected company data please contact our support team for further assistance.

Click here for support contact details.

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