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Date of IXBRL Accounts and Date of CT600 do not match

Article ID


Article Name

Date of IXBRL Accounts and Date of CT600 do not match

Created Date

31st December 2015


IRIS Business Tax


Clients have advised that they are getting a message when running the Electronic Tax Return that the date on the IXBRL Accounts and the Date on the CT600 do not match


Users are requested to carry out the following steps:- From your Start Button on your machine go to the Control Panel and select Region and Language. Look at the short form date which will be set to mm/dd/yyyy This should be set to dd/mm/yyyy Regenerate your IXBRL Accounts and then generate the Electronic Tax Return and this message will no longer appear. If the above does not resolve the problem then could you please check the time and date settings on the actual desktop. It should be set to UK not US. If the above does not resolve the problem, please contact Iris Support.

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