The top five most read auto enrolment blog posts from February

By Sam Thomas | 7th March 2016 | 8 min read

Here are the top five most read auto enrolment blog articles from February

Is ‘Workie’ working for auto enrolment?

Back in October 2015, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) introduced Workie, their ‘mascot’ for the workplace pension reform.

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The latest auto enrolment non-compliance figures released

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) recently announced that 1,594 non-compliance fines had been issued since the workplace pension reform had come into effect back in October 2012; and that an astonishing 1,013 of these had been given out during the three month period between October-December.

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The Pensions Regulator announce their top four auto enrolment tips for SMEs

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) visited IRIS’ Manchester office yesterday and presented their four top tips for businesses yet to stage for auto enrolment.

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Construction workers denied auto enrolment pensions plan

There have been reports of a drastic rise in the number of workers in the construction industry who are being moved into ‘umbrella’ companies in order to appear as not working full-time. This then means that employers can avoid enrolling them into a workplace pension scheme and ultimately save themselves money; all at the cost of the employee.

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Over 1000 non-compliance fines for auto enrolment issued in Q4 2015

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) have released their monthly round-up of auto enrolment news

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