Error in ISLRTI.dll::clsCompressedEmployees.cls: Function ToXML: Error -1
Article ID
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Error in ISLRTI.dll::clsCompressedEmployees.cls: Function ToXML: Error -1
Created Date
6th April 2017
IRIS Earnie IQ
The following error occurs when making submission
Error in ISLRTI.dll::clsCompressedEmployees.cls: Function ToXML: Error -1-
Check to see if you have enabled the option to compress RTI submissions.
Go to “Online Services” | “Configure”
Make sure “Always Compress FPS File” is un-ticked. Save and try your submission again.
If the problem persists the most likely cause of this error is an invalid Reports/Resource folder location.
Check the Resource folder location (Help > About Earnie > Registry).
This may be pointing to the wrong place after an update.
Reinstall the client to ensure that all the correct files exist in the Resource folder.
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