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Report options not showing along the top of screen.

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Article Name

Report options not showing along the top of screen.

Created Date

6th April 2017


IRIS Payroll Business


When previewing a report to screen I cannot see any of the report options that should show along the top of the window.


There is a setting where windows will “minimize” the ribbon buttons, hiding them off screen. We need to turn this option off to make sure the report options show correctly.

At the top of your main screen find the button to “Customize Quick Access Toolbar“. Towards the bottom of the list, you will see the option “Minimize the ribbon

minribbon | Report options not showing along the top of screen.


minribbon2 | Report options not showing along the top of screen.

Click on this to un-tick the option. When you go back to produce any report you should now see the report options along the top of the preview:

minribbon3 | Report options not showing along the top of screen.

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