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Publish P60's via OpenPayslips - Bureau Payroll & Payroll Business

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Publish P60's via OpenPayslips - Bureau Payroll & Payroll Business

Created Date

6th April 2017


IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS OpenPayslips


Can I publish P60s via the OpenPayslips service?


Make sure you are using data from the appropriate tax year before proceeding. If you are producing P60’s for the last tax year (after year-end restart) go to “Year-end” > “Use last year’s data” to return the appropriate tax year. If you want to go further back than the last tax year you would need to restore a backup.

Before you can publish P60s you will need to install the “P60 Plain Paper” report from the report manager:

• From the “Reports” tab, click on “Report Manager“. Open the “Year-end” category and drag the “P60 Plain Paper” to the selected reports list. “Save” and “Close

For further help working with the reports manager, click here.

• Select the Pay Frequency then go to “Reports” > “Year-end Reports

• Select “P60 Plain Paper

• Click the OpenPayslips “Publish” button along the top of the screen.

OpenPayslips Publish

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