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How to setup a query in Data Mining

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How to setup a query in Data Mining

Created Date

26th June 2014


IRIS Practice Management


How to setup a query in Data Mining


To set up a query to find the required clients select the Form and/or Field button. Form-based queries involve searches only on client details. Field-based queries allow you to query using any field in the database. Selecting the Form button allows you to select:
  • Address
  • Client attributes
  • Client identifier
  • Client type
  • Communication
  • Fees
  • Manager
  • Partner
  • Services
  • WIP To select a Field choose the magnifying glass to the far right of the Field selection bar. There is a list of the fields to select by in the manual. kb11712 | How to setup a query in Data Mining Having selected a field, underneath this to the left you will need to enter under what condition you would like this field to be tested, this is called the operator. The drop down arrow shows you the possibilities. In the field to the right of the operator as required enter the criteria text for the selected field and operator. Having entered the field, operator and criteria text select the Add to List button. This adds this line to the criteria. Repeat this process to add further constraints to your query. Alternatively, if you only have one query criteria to search from, clicking the Find Now button will automatically add it to the list and commence the search. Once the query has been created you can select the Find button to search. Select the Print button to output the fields as they are displayed on the screen. Alternatively, select the Export button. This allows you to save the selection in a CSV format. Therefore any software that can import a CSV file can use this file. If you enter a tick next to Open exported .CSV file this will automatically export straight into Excel.

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