It is possible to do 'date arithmetic' in AutoMail?
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It is possible to do 'date arithmetic' in AutoMail?
Created Date
29th April 2015
IRIS AutoMail
It is possible to do 'date arithmetic' in AutoMail? For example, to add a number of days, weeks or months to a date in Word.
IRIS date adjustment tags
Step by step guide to inserting a date adjustment tag
The current versions of Microsoft Word does not provide a method for date arithmetic. For example, to add a number of days, weeks or months to a date in Word.
This article will explain how the date adjustment tags work in AutoMail and how to insert these tags into your template
Date Adjustment Tags
Within AutoMail a number of IRIS tags have been given the option of adding a date adjustment. These tags include:
– Account Period End Date
– Date of Death
– Date of Birth
– Date Trade Begun
– Date Trade Ended
– Date of Incorporation
Each of these tags will have some additional tags with a similar name tag. They will include the words ‘date adjustment 1’ or ‘date adjustment 2’. For example, for the date of birth tag:
– Date of birth
– Date of birth (with adjustment 1)
– Date of birth (with adjustment 2)
If you select either of the date adjustment tags you will be prompted to insert a date adjustment. You will select either day, month or year and then select a number. For example, for date of birth, type 6 and then months to have a date adjustment of plus six months.
When you generate a letter, the number you enter in the adjustment tag will be added to the result. For example, if the date of birth was 1/11/1990 and you put a date adjustment of 20 days, then the date will show as 21/11/1990
Insert Date of Adjustment Tag
To set up a template:
Log on to IRIS AutoMail from IRIS Main Menu
The AutoMail – Letter Request Browser will be displayed, click on the Template button.
The AutoMail – Letter Template Maintenance Screen will be displayed, click on the New Template button
The New Template screen will be displayed, enter the description of the template. For example, Year End Reminder.
In the context type field, select ‘Accounts’.
Click on the Ok button
This then displays a blank Word template, allowing you to enter the details as required. Minimise your Word template and the tag selection screen will be displayed.
Click the plus sign next to the ‘Client Account info’ folder.
Click the plus sign next to the ‘Accounting Period’ folder.
Place a tick next to ‘Date Accounting Period ends on (with adjustment 1).
The Enter Date adjustment screen will be displayed. Enter the adjustment from the options available. For example, 1 month after today.
Maximise Word. You will then need to insert the tag into your word document.
Place your curser in the template where you’d like the tag to be inserted.
Click on the Mailings Tab | In the Write & Insert Fields section, click on the Insert Merge Field down arrow
Click on the Tag that you would like to enter in the document. For example, LMCLDateofBirthDAdj1 (‘Date Accounting Period ends on (with adjustment 1)).
This will be displayed in the document as {MERGEFIELD “LMCLDateOfBirthDAdj1}
Minimize Word, the Tag Selection Screen will be displayed, click on the Save button
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