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How to reduce the July payment on account to NIL

Article ID


Article Name

How to reduce the July payment on account to NIL

Created Date

13th October 2015


IRIS Personal Tax


The client does not need to make the payment on account which is due at the end of July, how can this be reduced to nil within IRIS?


Users are required to: 1. Log on to IRIS Personal Tax and select the client 2. From the Administration menu select Client Account. 3. Click Insert then select option F ADJ- HMRC adjustment CR. 4. Enter the date for example if claiming to reduce the July 2009 payment to 0.00 enter the date 31.07.09 then enter the amount, if reducing to 0.00 enter the total amount which was due on this date then click OK. 5. Click Match, click on the relevant payment on account within the match posting screen, click Match then click Save.

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