How Do I find out my SQL server and Instance Name
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How Do I find out my SQL server and Instance Name
Created Date
30th April 2008
Some times it may be required to know what your IRIS SQL Server and Instance names are?
The following instructions will show you how to find this information.
Click Start
Click Run
Type CMD
Type C: and hit return.
NOTE: If the IRIS folder is on a different drive then use this letter ie D:
Type CD\IRIS then hit return.
Type icoreshowdbinfo and hit return.
Information similar to the following should be displayed.
Common connection: DataSource=p002759\IRISPRACTICE, Initial Catalog=iris, Login=irisdbo
Customer database: VisibleName=Practice, Server=p002759\IRISPRACTICE, Database=iris, Description=IRIS Practice Software Client Database, Login=Practicedbo
Datasource = Is the Server & Instance name
Initial Catalog = Is the Database name
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