By Winston Poyton, Senior Product Director at IRIS Software Group Management Information Systems (MIS) are clever things. Think of them like a school’s digital caretaker, silently taking care of everything in the background. Only they aren’t mopping floors or clearing up: they’re capturing, relaying and analysing the mountains of useful…
Sam Thomas | 11th March 2021 | 4 min read
We’ve been looking into the world of education MIS for a few years now. What we learned from even the most cursory investigation is that state schools were crying out for an alternative to their legacy systems. Old, slow, and clunky, they weren’t just unfit for purpose, they were actively…
Sam Thomas | | 2 min read
A frog, when placed in boiling water, will jump right out to save its life. If, however, you put the amphibian in cold water and heat it up, it will stay in the water and not jump out. Although a common myth, this metaphor is used to explain how businesses…
Sam Thomas | 12th June 2019 | 3 min read
Change is an inevitable part of business life. The drivers for change are all around us from technological innovation to government policy to the skill set of our employees and the expectations of our customers. Those organisations that recognise these demands and adopt quickest will be the most successful. At…
Sam Thomas | 30th April 2019 | 1 min read
Are you crying out for tangible, practical examples of what to do in your day-to-day work to ensure you make a success of MTD? Does an expert-led training day providing this sound good? Yes, we thought so too. That’s why from next month we’ll be running half-day seminars for accountants…
Sam Thomas | 25th January 2019 | 2 min read
Have you considered renting out your driveway, a parking space or your garage for some extra tax-free income? The introduction of the new property allowance for 2017/18 onwards means that those with low levels of rental income may not need to report it to HMRC. The property allowance is £1,000…
Sam Thomas | 28th November 2018 | 2 min read
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