IRIS Financials for academy trusts
With IRIS Financials you’ll benefit from intelligent reporting, automated workflows, unrivalled flexibility, and a comprehensive audit trail.
- Get the data you need to make smarter financial decisions
- Gain an accurate real-time view of financial information
- Consolidate multiple ledgers onto a single sheet

A streamlined trust financial management platform
All schools and trusts need to make the best use of their funding and show that it is making a positive difference. IRIS Financials gives you the data you need to make smarter decisions.
Half of all academies trust IRIS Financials to help them navigate, understand, and manage their finances. Built on a unified ledger structure, all your financial data is consolidated into a single view. This provides the benefits of centralisation without sacrificing autonomy for schools. Tedious reconciliation tasks are eliminated, and reporting is a straightforward, accurate process.
Break out as many separate sub-ledgers as you need and view your financial position in real time. With an accurate, real-time view of the financial position across your trust, the unified ledger is the ideal backbone to the rest of our finance suite.
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Proud to partner with leading suppliers to simplify your purchasing journey
- Intelligent reporting capabilities All enquiries and reports can be viewed on-screen, printed, emailed, or even sent to Excel with our financial reporting software. Enjoy full drill-down with user-defined fields and no modular boundaries.
- Automated workflows Configure workflows to automate complex processes. Tasks that used to bottleneck your staff’s time are now performed automatically.
- Unrivalled flexibility Choose modules and solutions for every need. IRIS Financials boasts a range of optional modules that can be added to the core system to enhance functionality.
- Audit trail Set up complex automations and configure rules to automate financial decisions and actions. All actions are logged in a comprehensive audit trail, and staff are still free to process ad-hoc actions when needed.
- Punchout to purchase Punchout to Amazon Business to significantly reduce the traditional purchasing journey with pre-populated POs and automatic purchase upon approval – and there’s no need to juggle between multiple windows anymore.
What are the benefits of IRIS Financials for academy trusts?
More accurate information
Up-to-date, easy to read financial information at your fingertips
Access anywhere
Cloud-based and accessible real-time data, on any device
Powerful reporting
Clear and intuitive reporting ensures that you can make informed decisions
Compile and analyse data from multiple sources or ledgers into one single view
Take the guesswork out of managing your organisation
Unified system
Drill down into one cost centre, ledger or function – or view data across your entire organisation
No need for multiple ledgers
Connect to multiple data sources at once, without moving data between ledgers
Easy to use
User-friendly interface turns complex data into clear, actionable reports
Fully compatible with all DfE reporting standards, including the Academies Chart of Accounts
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Ready to make smarter decisions for your trust with IRIS Financials?
Controlling Financial Chaos
Download our guide, which highlights the importance of effective budgeting and financial management for long-term sustainability.