IRIS Charity Formats
IRIS Charity Formats is a brilliant addition to your IRIS Accounts Production software preparing accounts for incorporated and unincorporated charities and Academies.

Charity and Academy accounts are produced automatically using IRIS Accounts Production Charity Formats and they comply with the Accounting & Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP). Reports such as balance sheets and Statement of Financial Activities (SOFA) are automatically generated.
What IRIS Charity Formats can do for you:
Create accounts compliant with Accounting & Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) without using third-party software. Accounts preparation is simplified by using the basis of allocation to apportion costs across the charity’s activities, with an unlimited number of funds that can be entered for each charity.
- IRIS Business Tax – trial balance is automatically passed to business tax, eliminating transposition errors and providing significant time savings.
- IRIS Practice Management – enables advanced control and monitoring of account submissions and a truly paperless office.
- IRIS AutoMail – the appropriate letters can be automatically generated, from the first steps of client creation through to reminders and completion of the tax return.
IRIS Charity Formats provides instant solutions for:
Producing final accounts for unincorporated and incorporated charities and academies from IRIS Accounts Production for submission to the Charities Commission and Companies House.
A cost-effective solution – licenses start at two clients, with no limit to the number of funds that can be entered for each charity.
Compliancy with the Accounting & Reporting by Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) – and regular updates to keep in line with legislation.
Automatically uses the basis of allocation to apportion support costs between various charity activities.
Key Features
Seamless integration
Increase productivity and save time with our truly integrated products built around a centralised database. This means no rekeying of data, reducing errors and ensuring that your information is more accurate.
Complete Solution
Remove the timewasting complexities of moving and rekeying data from one product to another with our integrated end-to-end solutions.
Saves you time, making you more efficient. Includes online filing at the touch of a button.
Versatile solution enabling accounts production for sole traders, partnerships, limited companies, charities and academies.
- How do I find support for this software?
We have a dedicated support section on this website. We also have live chat and a dedicated support telephone number: Support contact numbers.
- Is this software compliant?
Assurance and compliance are the primary services of any firm, practice, business or organisation. We understand that you rely on software solutions to get it right, every time – no compromise. Speak to us and find out why IRIS are the leaders in compliant software; call 0344 844 9644.
- How do I buy this software?
Speak to us today about how you can get started with IRIS. Call 0344 844 9644 to discuss your requirements; we’ll help you get started.