Leavers not showing on FPS
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Article Name
Leavers not showing on FPS
Created Date
6th April 2018
IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll
User finds on FPS summary that the number of leavers is incorrect
This is usually because of one of three reasons:
1. If the employee is unpaid but marked as a leaver (ie. Last pay was in previous tax period) they will be included in the category “Number of Employees included in the file but not paid in xxxx””.
2. If the payroll uses more than one pay frequency , eg monthly and weekly it could be the leaver has been sent already.
Under the schema provided by HMRC for RTI submissions, leavers only get included on an FPS submission once and they will get included on the NEXT FPS you send, regardless of pay frequency.
One common point of confusion arises with payrolls using 2 or more pay frequencies on the same database. Eg. Monthly employee last paid in month 2 but leave date and P45 only produced after month 2 finalised. The next pay period then is weekly for week 9. When the FPS for week 9 is sent the monthly leaver will be included as a leaver not paid in this period. This is correct as per HMRC specification and they are receiving the correct information for the leaver.
3. The user is resending a previous period FPS that did include leavers. Leavers will only be included on ONE successful submission. If you return to resend an old pay period the leaver will not be included in that submission EVEN IF THEY WERE PAID IN THIS PERIOD. Again this correct as per HMRC spec. Once a leaver has been filed they should not be included again. The exception to this rule is if there are then some amendments made to the leaver ie. amend the final payslip or make a payment after leaving.
NOTE: If a backup is restored to a point before the leaver was successfully sent on an FPS. In this situation, the software will not be able to tell this has already been sent and so will include the leaver on the FPS again.
If you wish, you can check in the XML document to confirm what details have been sent. Payroll retains a copy of each submission made in XML format. These can be found in the XML folder located in the program installation folder.
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