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Error 91 - Object variable or with block variable not set

Article ID


Article Name

Error 91 - Object variable or with block variable not set

Created Date

6th July 2017


IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS Payroll Business


User gets the error - Object variable or with block variable not set


This error is a generic system error that occurs when a system process is dependent on finding some values or entries and cannot retrieve these details from the database.

The particular detail that caused the problem is not normally obvious from the error that is presented.

It is not possible to advise via the knowledgebase how to correct your error.

Exception: If you get “Error in ISLRTI.dll::clsCompressedEmployees.cls: Function ToXML: Error 91 – Object variable or With block variable not set” when sending an EYU or FPS click here.

Please contact our support teams with any extra information as shown on the error message, if applicable, and what process you were attempting when the error occurred.

Contact Details:

Earnie products (Inc. Customers formally using Payroll Professional)
0344 815 5671

IRIS Bureau Payroll
0344 815 5661 (option 5)

IRIS Payroll Business
0344 815 5661 (option 4)

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