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I am a bureau user. Can I globally change tax codes?

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I am a bureau user. Can I globally change tax codes?

Created Date

26th November 2019




I have multiple companies. Can I globally change tax codes?


Yes, you can update tax codes across multiple companies in Earnie, but have to be logged in as the Admin account.

At login, enter the username SYSTEM along with your admin password to log into the admin mode of the software.

Go to File > Company > Budget Amendments.

At the bottom of the Budget Amendments screen, there is a SELECTION button. Click on the Selection button and then tick the box next to the companies you want to include in the Budget Amendments.

You can choose ALL if you want to. Click OK. Then make the budget amendments as normal in the table.

You can further select which employee tax codes to update; All Employees, Scottish Tax Codes Only (Those with an S prefix), Welsh Tax Codes Only (Those with a C prefix) or Rest of UK Tax Codes Only (Those without a prefix)

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