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Business Tax: Edit Losses - 'No Postings Found' or btrieve library error warning

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Business Tax: Edit Losses - 'No Postings Found' or btrieve library error warning

Created Date

29th January 2022



IRIS Business Tax: Edit Losses - No Postings Found warning OR btrieve library error -1



If you go to Edit , Losses (as you have a loss showing in AP or the Tax comp) and you get a No Postings Found warning OR btrieve library error -1- please run this fix:

Look for the – TT.Ini file entry in your main location – \\servername\IRIS\Database 

PostFiles = \\servername\\IRIS\DATA\

Formats = \\servername\\IRIS\format\

First, make a copy of the TT.ini folder before changing these.

There might be a extra ‘\‘ in between the server and IRIS folder – it should not be there.


Formats = .\Format

;Posting path

PostFiles = C:\IRIS\DATA

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