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Business Tax: R&D SME showing in 575 and 890. Validation: Box 575 must equal(sum of 545 and 560) minus (sum of 525 and 570). 3001 9263

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Business Tax: R&D SME showing in 575 and 890. Validation: Box 575 must equal(sum of 545 and 560) minus (sum of 525 and 570). 3001 9263

Created Date

26th August 2021



IRIS Business Tax: If you have values showing in 575/890 and you also get a validation Box 575 must equal(sum of 545 and 560) minus (sum of 525 and 570) or you get 3001 9263 when submitting.


This is a known DEFECT in Business tax and a fix will be released on IRIS version 21.3 planned for release early October 2021.

If you have an end of month deadline and the TAX calculation is correct – then you can print off the CT600 and submit by post to HMRC. Please add a note under Edit/Notes.

HMRC will not reject your paper submission.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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