CGT pages (Box 20) of the Tax Return showing relief type as 'INV' instead of 'OTH'.
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CGT pages (Box 20) of the Tax Return showing relief type as 'INV' instead of 'OTH'.
Created Date
14th April 2020
IRIS Personal Tax
When user enter in relief within the CGT disposal section, under reliefs, selecting type 24 'Other' populates the CGT pages (Box 20) of the TR as 'INV' instead of 'OTH'. It was showing as 'OTH' before the 20.1.0 update was done but after the update it changed to 'INV'.
This is a defect in the software at the moment. This will be fixed in Version 20.2.0. Please do the following to resolve your issue: –
- Edit in the top left hand corner
- Highlight Capital Assets
- Select Assets (any type)
- Click on Disposals
- Highlight the entry
- Tick the box ‘Claim Relief’ – relief type 0 (other claims) for multiple claims and put a note in the Additional Information section. Alternatively you can file a paper return.
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