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Why both payments on accounts are the same when there should be a 1p difference?

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Why both payments on accounts are the same when there should be a 1p difference?

Created Date

21st January 2013


IRIS Personal Tax


It has been reported by users that if the current year liability is an odd figure then the second payment on account should be 1p higher.


It has been confirmed by our business analyst that it is incorrect to make one payment on account higher than the other. This is further confirmed by the HMRC TEST CASE GENERATOR which does not make one payment on account higher than the other, this is the form that the HMRC would use if you were to send in your return via post. When it is submitted to the HMRC they will adjust the payments on account and this can only be done by the HMRC. If users do want to show a difference then they would have to edit the tax computation in MS Word.

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