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When I select Submit Later why do my accounts not appear within the Created Tab?

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When I select Submit Later why do my accounts not appear within the Created Tab?

Created Date

23rd December 2014


IRIS Accounts Production


It has been reported by some users that occasionally when selecting the option to ‘Submit Later’ the accounts do not appear within the ‘Created Tab’


This is due to an environmental problem which is not affecting all users on all workstations. If you experience this environmental problem, please check the outstanding submissions by running the following report to ensure you meet the Accounts filing deadline and avoid any Late Filing Penalties. Reports | Submit CH E-File Accounts | under the Created Tab select – Print |Simple hard copy |select – OK This will generate a list of submission created that have not yet been submitted. Important: If the accounts do not appear within the created tab or the above mentioned report, users are required to select ‘Submit Now’ option. This will automatically submit the accounts to Companies House.

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