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The sum of ([SA103F:Net business profit for tax / SA103F:Net business loss for

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The sum of ([SA103F:Net business profit for tax / SA103F:Net business loss for

Created Date

13th October 2015


IRIS Personal Tax


IRIS Produces the following validation message when generating an electronic return ''Taxable Profit Or Loss The sum of ([SA103F:Net business profit for tax / SA103F:Net business loss for tax] + [SA103F:Basis period adjustment] - [SA103F:Overlap relief used] + [SA103F:Change of accounting practice adjustment]) is negative or zero, and [SA103F:Averaging adjustment] is absent or zero. The amount in box [SA103F:Adjusted profit for the year] should equal zero or must be absent. Please check.'' The validation message eventually will cause the return to be rejected with the following error message when submitting online: ''Error 6211 in /hd:GovTalkMessage[1]/hd:Body[1]/MTR:IRenvelope[1]/MTR The sum of ([FSE63 / FSE64] + [FSE67] ââ‚‣ [FSE68] + [FSE70]) is negative or zero, and [FSE71] is absent or zero. The amount in box [FSE72] should equal zero or must be absent. Please check.''


This is due to a fault within the HMRC validation system (Special case no 25) , and will produce the above messages when there is an entry in box no 13 on page SEF1 (Self employment- full). Users are required to un-tick the box ”2010 details entered on 2009 return- leave 2010 SAI blank” as follows: 1. Log on to IRIS Personal Tax and select the client 2. Click onto Trade, Profession and Vocation and select Sole trade or Partnership 3. Double click on the Accounting Date 4. Click onto Business details tab 5. Remove the tick from the box that reads ”’2010 details entered on 2009 return- leave 2010 SAI blank” then click OK

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