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How do I post Group Balances?

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How do I post Group Balances?

Created Date

11th December 2015


IRIS Accounts Production


How do I post Group Balances?


Group balances should be posted to group 601, 611 & 621. Postings for each undertaking balance should be made to sub accounts on accounts 715-716, 719-720 & 723-724. Each sub account should be kept for the same undertaking in any of the group companies i.e. account 715/1 would be for the first subsidiary in all companies, 715/2 for the second and so on (the same sub account is used on each different client within the group). The descriptions of these accounts is picked up from the data screens and not the account numbers. Select Edit | Data Screens | Notes to Financial Statements | Balance Sheet Items | Creditors | Amounts owed by/to group undertakings etc. KB12213 | How do I post Group Balances? The balances on these accounts will be shown in either debtors or creditors depending on the balance on each sub account.

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