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Why can't I import my CSV file?

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Why can't I import my CSV file?

Created Date

29th June 2004


IRIS Accounts Production


Why can't I import my CSV file? Check the following: The CSV file is in the correct format (as per KB item 913). The correct Import Map is being selected. Other clients have been successful in importing.


Make sure all the above are checked. It may be that the CSV file is saved in a directory with a long path. Copy the CSV file onto the ‘desktop’ and then try and import in the normal way. If importing into a Group the CSV file needs to be in the following format: Amount, Account, Undertaking, Narrative, Posting Date, Work Reference Note The last two fields are optional. The Undertaking ID only is required. For more information, in Accounts Production go to Help | Help | Quick Guides | Importing data from other packages. If problems persist contact IRIS support.

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