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Frequently asked questions for IRIS Time

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Frequently asked questions for IRIS Time

Created Date

9th March 2009


IRIS Time and Fees


This KB article contains the most Frequently Asked Questions for IRIS Time and may be used as a reference for many Time queries.


Time FAQs Time Postings Time Enquiries and House Keeping Time Reports Time Postings : How can I transfer WIP from one client to another? Time Enquiries & House Keeping KB IAS-6092 : How can I deregister and then delete a client from Time & Fees KB IAS-1171 : How do I amend charge rates? KB IAS-5665 : How can I clear a negative WIP balance from a client? KB IAS-1174 : Can I create a short cut that allows me to post to timesheet entries only. KB IAS-11910 : It is not possible to register a staff member to Time & Fees KB IAS-1256 : How do I block a client from having Time & Fees posting to them? Time Reports KB IAS-6002 : Reconciling in Time & Fees KB IAS-11921 : What is the year end process in Time & Fees KB IAS-5142: Client Billing Analysis report and the Billed figure

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