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Why are the components in Debtors note /Creditors note not pre-tagged?

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Why are the components in Debtors note /Creditors note not pre-tagged?

Created Date

15th February 2011


IRIS Accounts Production


Why are some components in Debtors note (Amounts falling due within one year or Amounts falling due after one year) not pre tagged by IRIS in iXBRL? Users have reported that some components in Debtors note (Amounts falling due within one year or Amounts falling due after one year) such as Trade debtors (within one year or after one year), Other debtors (within one year or after one year) etc. are not pre tagged by IRIS when generating iXBRL.


Some of the components in the Debtors note (Amounts falling due within one year or Amounts falling due after one year) e.g. Trade Debtors within one year, Other Debtors within one year etc. are not in the minimum tagging list so users are not required to tag these items as the total is automatically tagged. These components in the taxonomy browser are not in bold under Debtors within one year subheading (items in minimum tagging list are highlighted in bold).

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