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PTP Tax Expense - 5016 rejection regarding title

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PTP Tax Expense - 5016 rejection regarding title

Created Date

4th July 2011



A rejection code 5016 is received after submitting a P11D online using PTP Tax Expense


This is often to do with the missing title of the employee/s from the Title box.

Users are required to ensure there is an entry in Title, Forename and Surname filed.

To do so:

  1. Open PTP Tax Expense module
  2. Select the client and click onto the Employees/ P11Ds tab
  3. Select the individual employee and click onto the ‘Edit’ button and ensure there is an entry in Salutation; Forenames and Surname box.

Users are also requested to check the details of the benefits/ expenses and to make sure that they are complete.

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