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PT/BT/P11D- Load Transmit Screen and closes or cannot select row and transmit

Article ID


Article Name

PT/BT/P11D- Load Transmit Screen and closes or cannot select row and transmit

Created Date

19th May 2023


IRIS Personal Tax, IRIS Business Tax


IRIS PT/BT/P11D- Load Transmit Screen and it closes or cannot select row and transmit


You have generated a tax return and are ready to transmit to HMRC. When you click ‘Transmit Internet Return’ (or if you choose ‘Selected client’) and get one of these two results:

1) The transmit screen loads for a short while and then close with no error or you get an error message

2) The transmit screen loads but you cannot select the relevant row you need to submit and the Transmit/Approve button are all greyed out. It may also close after a while.

This is a random issue which can affect certain clients or users

Fix: Reports, Transmit Internet Return , choose ‘All clients’- it may take longer to load as it needs to check every client. Find your clients tax return and you can now submit.

If the issue continues then change back to the ‘selected client’ again instead of all and try that. If you try both options repeatedly and both do not work, restart your pc/server and try, also try another pc on another login and also try later like the next day.


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