Looked After Call: a single location for data on looked after children
Updated 7th July 2022 | 2 min read Published 7th August 2020

With the number of children entering the care system increasing every year, local authorities are under pressure to meet their duty under the Children Act 1989.
Looked After Call is a centralised MIS providing stakeholders with access to data on every aspect of a looked after child’s education, from attendance and attainment to progress and PEPs. The secure platform enables virtual schools to identify trends and action early interventions to support the education and wellbeing of vulnerable children.
Designed with the unique needs of local authorities and looked after children in mind, Looked After Call offers a variety of solutions to empower stakeholders to efficiently and effectively safeguard the children in their care.
Online Personal Education Plan
Every virtual school’s approach to a child’s journey in care is unique. Looked After Call digitises the virtual school’s own PEP into a bespoke, intuitive document. The PEP is pre-populated with data already held within the portal, reducing the administrative burden and any potential data handling errors.
Authorised stakeholders complete their relevant modules online whilst the virtual school head (VSH) can monitor the progress of the PEP. Automatic alerts remind stakeholders to complete their modules and the VSH has the options to review, reject or accept the PEP.
Secure communications
Safeguarding students and their data is our number one priority. Our integrated messaging solution ensures security and strengthens communications by hosting all emails on the Looked After Call server. With communications encrypted, virtual schools can personalise emails with the child’s name, data and attachments. Real-time alerts to any ‘trigger’ codes can be sent to specific users to further safeguard students.
Attendance and attainment data collection, monitoring and reporting
Depending on the needs and preferences of the setting, Looked After Call offers a flexible and cost-effective approach to data collection:
- Our innovative data extractor integrates seamlessly with school management software and automatically collects attendance data, eradicating the need for daily phone calls
- Where requested, authorised personnel can upload attendance marks, assessments and online PEPs via our user-friendly self-serve portal
- Our dedicated team make daily phone calls to schools to collect AM and PM attendance marks; attendance reports are updated dynamically
- Termly assessment data collection via a bespoke template ensures you get the required grade boundaries required
- Dynamic online reporting available via the web portal ensures you are always up to date
Cost efficiency
Our flexible approach to data collection and reporting delivery reduces the cost to the local authortory without compromising on service or security. Looked After Call streamlines administrative tasks, reduces reliance on expensive phone calls, email providers and reduces supplier costs.
We work closely with local authorities to identify the best solutions for their needs and budget. Working with our customers to understand the changing needs and pressures on local authorities, we continually develop our platform to ensure it provides the best user experience possible.
Talk to us about how Looked After Call can support you. Call 03333 131415 and choose option 4 or email lacadmin@lookedaftercall.com.