The Case for More Technology in Schools
Technology in schools can help teachers teach in new, exciting and efficient ways. It can help cut admin and improve day-to-day operations, but perhaps most importantly, it can help prepare students for the reality of the future working world.
Education secretary support for technology in schools
Technology in schools should only be heading in one direction. The same direction society is heading in. If school is about preparing students for their future, the more technological solutions in school the better. That’s certainly the feeling of current education secretary, Damian Hinds. In the summer he urged for more technology in schools. He said:
“I’ve been fortunate enough to see technology being used in revolutionary ways. Students are able to explore the rainforest, steer virtual ships or program robots from their classroom, while teachers are able to access training, share best practice with colleagues and update parents on a pupil’s progress without being taken away from their main focus – teaching.”
Technology in schools help students with innovative learning experiences, but they also help staff run a smoother school operation. The more time that can be devoted to teaching, and less on admin, the better. Technological solutions can help achieve that. And in turn, it goes full circle and benefits the students once again.
Cut admin with FasTrak’s technology in schools
FasTrak’s technology in schools aims to make life easier for students and staff on an everyday basis. Whether that is cutting down on the time it takes to register attendance, to collect payments from parents or to run catering services. Our solutions allow biometrics, smartcards or PINs to be used throughout a school to cut down on admin and processing time.
With an identity management system used by all students and staff, integrated throughout a school, operations can be run far more efficiently, with greater levels of analysable data generated. The school library becomes incredibly easy to use, and so does school catering, for staff and students.
Find out more about how technology can help make the difference to the everyday running of schools.
Related links & news stories
The Guardian: UK schools and tech industry urged to foster education revolution