4 Top Tips for Re-enrolment from The Pension Regulator
The Pensions Regulator have now launched their new online guidance for companies approaching their auto enrolment re-enrolment deadlines.
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The guide splits re-enrolment down into four clear sections:
1. Choosing the re-enrolment date
Auto enrolment re-enrolment must be completed within three years of your staging date. From there, you have 6 months to select your re-enrolment date, ranging from three months before the third anniversary of your staging date, to three months after it.
2. Assessing workers
On your chosen re-enrolment date, you’ll need to assess your workforce to work out who needs to be put back into your pension scheme.
3. Communicating with workers
Your workforce then needs to be updated with what’s happening. The Pensions Regulator have template letters of this which are available freely in The Pensions Regulator’s updated guide. This communication needs to be done within six weeks of your re-enrolment date.
4. Completion of the re-declaration of compliance
The same as last time, you’ll need to re-complete a Declaration of Compliance, letting The Pensions Regulator know that your business is compliant with the legislation. This needs to be done within 5 months of your original staging date’s third anniversary.
You can view the regulator’s updated guidance on re-enrolment here.
Getting Up-to-speed with Re-enrolment
If you re-enrolment date is approaching, or maybe you'd just like to get a head-start, register for our dedicated Bite-size Support: Re-enrolment webinar today. The session introduces re-enrolment and runs through both types of re-enrolment businesses can choose between.
Bite-size Support: Re-enrolment is running on Tuesday 27th September at 11am, you can secure your place on the session using the buttons at the top and bottom of this blog.
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