Free Webinar from The Pensions Regulator – common automatic enrolment challenges

By Louise Mulgrew | 13th November 2015 | 1 min read

The next webinar from The Pensions Regulator, aimed at accountants and IFAs: Help your clients meet their automatic enrolment duties on time and register for a free, comprehensive webinar for accountants, bookkeepers, payroll professionals and other business advisers.

This free webinar, presented by The Pensions Regulator will be focusing on how to correctly complete certain aspects of auto enrolment.

Some of the topics also included will focus on how to correctly use postponement and how directors or personal service workers should be treated under auto enrolment. There will also be information on the steps that you need to take if your client fails to carry out their duties on time.

The panel of experts will be talking through some of the issues that small employers are mainly struggling with. This could be anything from simply filling in the correct forms to missing out on a staging date.

The Pensions Regulator will share their insight and update you on the areas that employers are finding particularly difficult in an attempt to make the entire process easier for you.

There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions about the auto enrolment process.

Speaker: Neil Esslemont and Rebecca Woodley
Subject: Common auto enrolment challenges
When: Monday 23rd November
Time: 3:00pm - 3:45pm
Where: Online Webinar

You can register for the webinar free by clicking here

In addition to this, we are also running our own free webinar on the 10 reasons to choose payroll for auto enrolment. This webinar, suitable for both accountants (23rd November at 11am) and SMEs (16th November at 11am) will show you how running your auto enrolment solution from within your payroll is the most logical, streamlined option.

Accountants can also find out how this process can simplify their clients' staging with this process.

Accountants register here FREE

Businesses register here FREE