How can you explain IRIS OpenPayslips to your employees?
Updated 11th July 2022 | 1 min read Published 19th July 2013
IRIS OpenPayslips is a new, revolutionary solution, allowing you to send e-payslips straight to your employees’ smartphone or tablet at the click of a button. This is a big step for your company, embracing new advances in technology and helping increase business efficiency, reduce costs and help the environment.
You may understand the benefits of e-payslips from an employer perspective, but do your employees understand the benefits for them?
To help you explain the benefits of e-payslips to your employees, we have put together a user guide designed specifically for them. This guide explains what IRIS OpenPayslips is and how it works, as well as answering questions such as:
- How secure is IRIS OpenPayslips?
- How will I know a new payslip is available for me to view?
- Can I view my past payslips?