The plain English guide to auto enrolment from TPR

By Louise Mulgrew | 16th November 2015 | 1 min read

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) have released a "Plain English guide to auto enrolment" to help you understand some of the jargon surrounding the workplace pension reform.

Download the full guide here

Since 2012, the workplace pension reform has required businesses to auto enrol eligible employees into a workplace pension scheme.

This process wasn't introduced all in one go and businesses have had to become compliant by "staging date", a date from which they must start meeting their duties under the legislation based on their employee numbers.

Now, all of the larger businesses with dedicated payroll and pensions staff have gone through their first round of auto enrolment. It is now the turn of the smaller and micro businesses.

This means that there has been a complete review of the language that is being used when talking about anything to do with auto enrolment. To help you understand the change in terminology, TPR have very helpfully put together a "then and now" style glossary that details what the old term was, and what it's simpler replacement is.

Some of the terms that have been changed are:

Old Term

New Term


Meet your duties

Non-Eligible Job Holder

Member of staff who can join a pension scheme, if they ask, that you pay into (also known as ‘type 2’)

Opt out/cease active membership

Ask to leave

As you can see, the language has been simplified in order to make it much easier to understand. This means that there is less likelihood that you will be confused and it will be easier to for you to meet your duties with the legislation.

You can see the whole guide by clicking here