Isn’t it time
you broke up
with your bad

…and found the
 RIGHT relationship?

Find something that deserves your time and attention.

In accountancy, you need a long-term partner that works hand-in-hand with your business’s hopes and ambitions for the future.
But, often, these software solutions fall short. They let you down in ways you didn’t expect and hold you and your colleagues back.
Our guide will help you break away from bad accountancy software and move on to something that deserves your time and expertise.

icon flag red | Break up Campaign

SPOT red flags

Find out if you have a toxic relationship with your software, leaving you insecure, cut off and unsupported.

icon flag amber | Break up Campaign

FIND a better match

Up your software dating game, rating solution suitors and find out all you need to know about them.

icon flag green | Break up Campaign

BUILD a real relationship

Make sure your software is a keeper by communicating and staying focused on the right vendor.

The guide to breaking up and moving on

Want to learn if your existing software relationship is up to scratch?
We can give you the know-how.

In fact, our guide will take you through everything an accountancy specialist needs when it comes to choosing new software, avoiding pitfalls along the way so you don’t end up with another bad match! We’ll also walk you step by step through the early days of using new accounting software, explaining how to introduce it to your business family and make the most of your new relationship.

Break up guide | Break up Campaign
Break up move | Break up Campaign

If you want things to move quickly…

IRIS gives accountants the attention they deserve, and has developed a range of software that will take your accountancy to the next level:

IRIS Elements: The first end-to-end cloud accounting solution.

IRIS Accountancy Suite: The most extensive portfolio of integrated and automated solutions on the market.

IRIS Resourcing: Expert advice and support to fill in the gaps and add capacity to your practice.

Staffology HR: The best way to strip away daily admin and streamline HR processes.