Bernard Gee
About Bernard Gee & Co
Bernard Gee & Co, based in Oldham, serves a client base of companies, personal clients and trusts. Sole practitioner Bernard Gee has been an accountant for nearly fifty years and has seen many changes in the profession. The latest challenge for the practice this year has been preparing for iXBRL reporting, the new technological standard demanded by HMRC.
Choosing PTP
In his long career, Bernard has encountered several accountancy software providers. Like many accountants, in choosing software he seeks the right balance between functionality and ease of use, needing a pricing model that matches his usage and client base. Bernard points out, “If, for example, a tax product supports an unlimited number of client returns but is expensive, then it isn’t appropriate for the smaller practice, however good the quality of the software.” He has found the pricing model offered by PTP matches his requirements. PTP allows accountants to step up through incremental bands, so if they can start with the level that suits their practice and simply purchase more coverage if they grow their client base. “I can pitch PTP to my practice,” says Bernard.