Home Farm Hursley Case Study

This client case study comes from Penny Lownds, Administrator at Home Farm. We spoke to Penny to see how IRIS Payroll Business is helping her manage payroll for the farm’s two employees, whilst also discussing how she is preparing for automatic enrolment to begin.

Home Farm & IRIS Payroll Business

We began by discussing what software Penny uses to run payroll, and how she’s finding it. Penny explained that “we’ve been using IRIS for some time now, my predecessor introduced IRIS Payroll Business to Home Farm, and I took over the running of the accounts and payroll about 18 months ago.

“Since using IRIS Payroll Business, and with no prior knowledge of payroll, I have to say it’s very straightforward and easy to use. It makes everything simple and as long as you enter the information correctly to begin with, you know the software will work everything out for you – it’s very reassuring."


Our final question to Penny was, overall, would she recommend IRIS. She told us “I’d definitely recommend IRIS, I think it’s easy to use and you don’t need to be a payroll expert to use the software. The Support options are also very good and really helpful” which is great to hear.