Benchmarking & people analytics, for data-led leadership

Use Qlearsite for auto-insights about your people metrics. See trends, predictions, and how you compare to relevant industry benchmarks. Send surveys based on organisational science. Get AI-powered analysis of your employee feedback and discover where to focus. Build reports and define actions, quickly and easily, using data as evidence.

Identify the stories in your HR data, measure up to benchmarks, and find actions from feedback – all in one easy-to-use platform.

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Identify trends in your people metrics

See visualisations of HR metrics, identify trends, and spot potential risks in different departments or demographics. Learn where you need to focus.

  • See trends in your HR data – like a rising rate of sickness
  • Identify any ‘at-risk’ groups, by department or demographic
  • Organisational predictions to help you take proactive steps
qlearsite hr trends screenshot | Qlearsite
qlearsite hr benchmarks | Qlearsite

HR benchmarks for data-led leadership

Put your data into context, with industry-specific benchmarking. Compare attrition rate, salary, and more – so you can identify risks, and make informed decisions.

  • See benchmarks for attrition, gender ratio, salary, and more
  • Industry-specific data, for relevant context to your metrics
  • Compare your organisation to itself, by team or throughout time

Find actions from feedback, using surveys

Build, brand, and send surveys to your people with ease. Use feedback to add context to your HR data. See what’s on everyone’s mind, thanks to AI analysis.

  • Industry-leading survey tool with customisable templates
  • 20+ question sets, all optimised for high response rates
  • AI-powered text analytics to identify most-discussed topics
qlearsite survery screenshot | Qlearsite

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