What kind of HRIS software does your business need?

HR software – often referred to as HR Information Systems (HRIS) – streamline your business’ people management tasks.  

Specific solutions depend on your requirements and can include: 

  • Automating admin (e.g. approving annual leave) 
  • Storing sensitive data in a secure hub 
  • Providing HR service portals for staff 
  • Facilitating remote access from anywhere 

But with so many software options out there, it’s tough to know exactly what to look for.  

hr manager using HRIS software

Choose your HR Information System based on your business needs 

One way to determine your HRIS needs is to identify existing challenges within your Human Resources process.  

Do any of these issues sound familiar? 

  • Never-ending HR admin 
  • No central space to store and access data 
  • Data compliance concerns  
  • Employees emailing leave requests 
  • No remote access to HR services 

By identifying your biggest HR hassles, software specialists, like IRIS, can match you with a solution that takes care of them. 

Your HRIS checklist
(AKA what do you need from your software?) 

Alongside identifying the HR challenges your business is up against, you may also want to create a wish list to nail down your HRIS requirements. 

To get started, check out these HRIS software “Hall of Fame” features: 

  • HR task automation

    Perhaps it’s an obvious point, but software should make running your business and supporting your people easier – key to that is reducing the amount of admin you deal with. 

    You might look features that improve processes like: 

    • Payroll data input 
    • Logging/monitoring sickness 
    • Sending key docs to new starters 
    • Requests for training attendance 
    • Annual leave requests 

    The best HRIS systems have the capacity to save your team time – freeing you up to pursue any strategic HR goals. 

  • Data protection

    If it isn’t already, data protection should be at the top of your priority list when seeking out HR software. A reliable HRIS is essential for: 

    • Safeguarding sensitive information 
    • Maintaining legal compliance  
    • Adhering to GDPR regulation 
    • Fostering trust among employees 

    To ensure data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands, look for functionality like an access control feature, which allows you to determine who across the business can see what. 

  • Comprehensive reporting

    Without reliable data, you risk making strategic HR decisions based on inaccurate information. But with the right HR information system in place, you can answer questions like: 

    • Are there any departments potentially missing out on L&D support? 
    • Are hybrid workers more satisfied (and therefore, more productive)? 
    • Which time of year has the highest rates of annual leave requests? 

    Access to real-time, detailed insight about your people can make or break your HR strategy.  

  • Self-service portals

    An HR self-service portal enables employees to access their own data and submit new information, e.g. an annual leave request. 

    Employee self-service portals can have a range of business benefits, including: 

    • Boosting employing engagement 
    • Improving staff experience 
    • Reducing admin processes  
    • Saving time 
    • Providing flexibility to access HR services remotely 
    • A secure and centralised space to submit sensitive data 
  • System integration

    With well-designed HRIS software, all of your HR processes are in sync and working together. 

    If an employee amends their bank details via the HR self-service portal, you can be confident the payroll system will be updated – and your employee won’t miss their payday! 

    Thanks to a savvy tech infrastructure, system integration ensures any changes made on one side of your HR process are made everywhere else, too. 

  • Cloud-based system

    Cloud-based HRIS software is accessible from any location, on any device if there’s internet connection. That means, for example, your employees can log into their self-service portal out of office hours and submit an annual leave request. 

    Plus, any changes made on a cloud-based HRIS show up for everyone, immediately. Your system is always up to speed, and you can log on from anywhere. 

  • Surveys

    What happens when your business has the means to learn about your employee’s biggest concerns, queries and needs? Exciting, impactful change. 

    To facilitate this, some HRIS software enables you to design and distribute staff surveys.  

    Ask questions like:  

    • Are you happy at work? 
    • What can be done to improve your experience? 
    • Is there something hindering your productivity?  
  • Dashboards

    Who doesn’t like to save time and make life a little bit easier for themselves?  

    Interactive, accessible dashboards allow you, your managers and staff to get their hands on vital info quickly and easily. Look out for HR software that includes intuitive and visually engaging dashboards displaying stats like: 

    • Team information 
    • Departmental performance 
    • Training progress 
    • Engagement levels 
  • Employee lifecycle support

    Your chosen HRIS software should improve every stage of the employee lifecycle.  

    • HR recruitment should be simplified, with automated onboarding processes 
    • Day-to-day HR responsibilities (e.g. performance management) should be easier to log, track and implement 
    • When an employee departs, your system should support succession planning – perhaps flagging employees with similar skills.  

    From onboarding a new starter to replacing a recent retiree, if you want the help of HRIS software, you can get it. 

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Featured Guide

HRIS made simple: A complete guide to finding your HRIS software solution 

Ready to find your ideal HRIS? 

This exclusive HR software deep-dive covers a range of topics, including: 

  • How to spot snags in your current HR processes 
  • A “must have” HR software wish list  
  • Tips on selecting the right provider 
  • Guidance on calculating return on investment. 

Where to start when choosing an HRIS provider 

With so many HR system providers out there, how do you begin to narrow down what’s on the market? Consider the following: 

  1. Ask your peers and colleagues
  2. Check reviews on reputable platforms like Trustpilot
  3. Google your ideal HRIS software specs and filter by specific features 

Explore your ideal HR Software solution with IRIS

As HRIS software specialists, we know businesses want solutions that feel bespoke to their specific HR challenges.

Here are some of the HRIS solutions IRIS provides:

  • IRIS Cascade HRi logo | HRIS Software

    Simplifying HR processes for mid-size and enterprise-level organisations.

    • All-in-one HR and payroll software
    • Customisable system
    • Scalable to your requirements
  • Final Staffology HR FULL logo | HRIS Software

    A streamlined, cloud-based solution saving you time and money.

    • Super accessible interface
    • Integrated HR & payroll
    • Instant implementation
HR Manager

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