IRIS Cascade Q4 2020 Product Update
October – December 2020 Update
We are constantly striving to enhance the functionality IRIS Cascade delivers to its users. This product update provides information on new features, enhancements and fixes developed during October to December 2020.
All new features and enhancements arise from feedback and suggestions from customers.
We’re continually fixing bugs, improving security and enhancing features. Full details of all major releases can be found on your Community Portal.
This release includes a selection of enhancements, bug fixes, new UI updates and Change Lab items including:
- Furlough Changes
- Student Loan Manual Overrides
- Pay Element restrictions for Off-payroll Workers
- Legislation enhancements
- Access to the new Cascade UI (User Interface)
- Privacy Notice
- Internet Explorer and Edge Legacy warning
- Hide Contact Card data section
This release includes a selection of enhancements, bug fixes, new UI updates and Change Lab items including:
- Cut off dates for absence integration
- Multiple absence integrations per period
- Statutory payments added to Total Cost Breakdown
- Global Employee Update restrictions for Off-payroll Workers
- Additional Court Order fields
- NI validation check in HR
We are continuing work on payroll legislation changes for the 2021/2022 tax year and have included some of these changes within this release.