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You have chosen too many employees in the Selection Criteria

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You have chosen too many employees in the Selection Criteria

Created Date

5th May 2017


Earnie, IRIS Payroll Professional


The following message appears when attempting to send a Full Payment Submission:

"You have chosen too many employees in the Selection Criteria
To continue sending a Full Payment Submission, you must reduce the number of employees selected."

This error is caused by null values in the database.


You will need to run the Null Killer utility from the Admin mode of the software

When you start the program login using the admin login details (name: SYSTEM and your admin password)

Go to “File” | “Run Utility

On the next window select “Null Killer” from the drop down menu and click “OK“.

On the next window select the company affected by the error from the drop down menu and click the “Fix” button.

Click “Yes” to the message: “Are you sure you want to fix null values?

Click “OK” on the message: “Null Values Fixed

Close out of payroll. Once you log back in the error will be cleared.

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