Default Login Details
Article ID
Article Name
Default Login Details
Created Date
1st April 2019
Earnie, IRIS Payroll Professional
What are the default log in details?
There are two modes for the software payroll and admin. The default login details are as follows:
Earnie Payroll
There is no password on the default account, leave this field blank.

Earnie Admin
Password: Admin
If you cannot log in with these a user will have changed the details. If no one can remember what the login details have been changed to, you will need to request a break in password from support to regain access.
If you need to request a break-in password, this should be provided with the company letter head and signed by the senior payroll decision maker. This could then be scanned and emailed to or faxed through on 0344 815 5670.
We strongly recommend you change these details, this is done via the admin mode.
To change Admin password
Log in with SYSTEM / admin
Go to “File” > “alter admin password“
Enter your existing and new passwords in the text boxes. The username will remain as SYSTEM.
To change User password
Log in to admin mode
Go to “Operators/Groups” > “Alter Operators/Groups“
In Payroll Professional/Earnie users (called operators) are divided into groups. You can set what level of access a user has in the software by configuring a group and adding the user to that group.
To alter a users password (or group, or default company) expand the list of the group the user is in, highlight their name and click “Edit“
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