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HRLinkToIpp Determine Company: error starting HR Manager

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HRLinkToIpp Determine Company: error starting HR Manager

Created Date

6th April 2017


IRIS HR Manager


When starting HR Manager user gets the following error:


When HR Manager links to Earnie / IRIS Payroll Professional it first checks the payroll licencing file to ensure all company data has been updated to the latest database version.

This error is caused by one or more companies being on a older database version, most likely the demonstration company.

In order to resolve, close HR Manager and log into payroll. Open each company in the list “Company”>”Select Different Company”.

The payroll system will then apply any database updates required for the individual companies.

Don’t forget to open the demo company as well by clicking on the “Demo” button in the bottom left hand corner of the select company list.

Once this has been completed HR Manager will start without error and the link to your payroll product will be restored

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