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FPS Rejected - Employee Date of Birth must be earlier than today

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FPS Rejected - Employee Date of Birth must be earlier than today

Created Date

6th April 2018


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Payroll Professional, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, Earnie


FPS submission are being rejected. Error states employee Date of Birth must be earlier than today


The error is with your Windows Regional and Language settings.

The short date format is causing the error. This should be set to the format dd/MM/yyyy – all other options will cause errors with RTI submissions.

Go to “Control Panel“:


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and open the “Clock, Language and Region“:


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Under “Region and Language“, click the option “Change the date, time or number format“:


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To ensure the corrcet running of payroll the “Format” should be set to “English (United Kingdom)“:


Mul13mis4 | FPS Rejected - Employee Date of Birth must be earlier than today


Specifically, the “Short Date Format” should be set to “dd/MM/yyyy


You should also check under “Additional settings…


Work through the additional tabs and make sure the settings match the following screen shots:




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