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RTI BACS Hash Code / Hash Tag

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Article Name

RTI BACS Hash Code / Hash Tag

Created Date

5th January 2018


IRIS PAYE-Master, IRIS Payroll Business, IRIS Bureau Payroll, IRIS GP Payroll, IRIS Payroll Professional, Earnie, IRIS Earnie IQ


What is the RTI Hash Code / Hash Tag / RTI Cross Reference?


When RTI was introduced HMRC allowed for the provision of a 4 character hash code sub reference to be included for each employee, also sometimes referred to as the RTI cross-reference.

The principle of this is, when a user generates an FPS each employee gets a randomised 4 character hash code tagged to their entry.

If the user then generates one of the RTI BACS reports, a matching hash code will be included in their line. When a BACS bureau processes the payments they should send the hash code details to HMRC.

HMRC can then compare the hash codes sent on the FPS to those sent from the BACS bureau to ensure the payments sent on the FPS match what the employee was actually paid.

The user does not and cannot choose the hash code, this is randomly generated by the software. It is not displayed anywhere in the employee details.

In our software, you can spot the BACS formats that will include the hash code by their description. If it includes “RTI” in the name it will include the hash code. eg. “BACS Standard Format” = No Hash code; “BACS Standard Format for RTI” = Hash code included.

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