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How to correct item added in previous year by mistake

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How to correct item added in previous year by mistake

Created Date

9th October 2018


IRIS GP Accounts


If you have entered an Item in the previous year by mistake, it should be in the current year, please follow these steps to correct the item.


Before editing any items:

• Take a backup of current data
•Make sure the problem entries are unreconciled
•Make a note of the “Opening Balance” of the current year
•Go to Cashbook | Previous Accounts year | Open last year
•Make note of “Closing Balance” at the bottom of the screen
•Go to Cashbook | Allow edit in previous year

Single item – if the item shouldn’t be there you can delete this, if it should be in the current year you can change the date on the item and it will then appear in the correct year.

Lodgement item – you will need to open the lodgement and delete all the individual lines.  This will then need to be re-entered in the current year once the final step has been completed.

NHS item – you need will to delete the whole NHS item and be re-enter the item in the current year once the final step has been completed.

• Once completed, go to Cashbook | Untick allow edit in previous year
• Go to Cashbook | Rerun previous years archive
• You will notice at this point the closing balance should now be a different figure
• Go to Cashbook | Current accounts year
• Go to Setup | To Alter accounts  > Edit the accounts and change the opening balance to match that of the closing balance
• If you have deleted a lodgement or NHS item, you will now need to re-enter these with the correct date

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