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How to reprint a P60

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How to reprint a P60

Created Date

30th October 2019


IRIS GP Payroll


Employees are entitled to get duplicates of their P60 from the practice if they have misplaced them.


To reprint a P60 Go to Setup/Options

Where to find setup/options

14 – Previous years’ payrolls:

resizedimage550421 GPP PrevYrsPyrl 1 | How to reprint a P60

Click on the year you wish to return to and click OK

If you see the following message: 

“You are attempting to enter the xxxx-xxxx payroll but the is no copy of this payroll on your hard disc”

Please follow the instructions here:

The system will reload with the end of year data for the tax year you selected.

Log in and go to  End of Year:

where t ofind end of year

Step 2 and click OK

end of year step 2

Choose the P60 format option you want to print and click OK

At this point, you can select to print A P60 for a single employee and reproduce the P60 for just one selected employee. 

PLEASE NOTE: P60’s will only be available to print for employees who were employed at the end of the tax year selected. This is correct as per HMRC rules. If an employee was a leaver before the end of the tax year no P60 would be due, the P45 issued at the time of leaving replaces this.

Click Print P60s to print a paper copy. Click Publish if you are using the IRIS OpenPayslips service.

Once you have printed or published the required P60(s), close GP Payroll and re-open to return to your current year’s data.

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