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Business Tax: CT600L Validation Box L9 is not present. Value in Box L35 is greater than 0.

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Business Tax: CT600L Validation Box L9 is not present. Value in Box L35 is greater than 0.

Created Date

19th April 2022



IRIS Business Tax: CT600L Validation Box L9 is not present. Value in Box L35 is greater than 0.


This is a known HMRC system issue.
If you get this error, re-generate the tax return and continue filing.

If re-generating does not work and you get the same error, then you need to file the return by paper. HMRC will accept paper copies.

There is no workaround to this, until HMRC resolve this from their side

image 17 | Business Tax: CT600L Validation Box L9 is not present. Value in Box L35 is greater than 0.

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