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How can staff performance be monitored within the Time ledger?

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How can staff performance be monitored within the Time ledger?

Created Date

19th January 2004


IRIS Time and Fees


How can staff performance be monitored within the Time ledger and which are the best reports to run?


Under the Reports | Staff Reports menu a selection of reports are available. These include: Missing Timesheet Allows you to see which timesheets are not yet completed Outstanding WIP Shows, by staff member, who was what value of WIP outstanding. This can be run for one line or to show all postings. Billing Analysis This report proportions invoice posted onto the ledger against which staff members WIP has been written off compared to others. This can be used to indicate which staff member has a bigger proportion of billable time. Staff Performance A two-version report, detailed and one-line, this report shows a comparison between the type of work posted. This compares chargeable to non-chargeable and accountable to non-accountable. Time Spent This report shows a breakdown of either chargeable or non-chargeable information in a given date range.

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